Revolutionary New Nano Technology Offers Fresh Solutions To World’s Water Needs
Summary: As needs for new water treatment technologies increase for industries as diverse as agriculture, bottled water, aquaculture, organ transplants and sewage treatment, a promising technology has emerged for the above problems. Recently the US Patent office granted a patent for a novel nanoplasmoid technology. This nano-technology goes beyond the traditional nanobubble, and creates a charged gaseous toroid inside of the generated nanobubbles. Results, achieved over the last four years, have demonstrated efficacy for supercharged drinking water, supercharged irrigation water, and unique solutions for the other areas of industry mentioned above
It has been four years since the discovery that led to the patent filing for the next water revolution, the one that has paved the way for the future of water technology, going beyond the simple nanobubble. Traditional nanobubble technology has made in-roads in industry and has been used to control algae, to treat wastewater, to polish semiconductors and to restore dead ocean harbors. In parallel to these great uses, an exciting discovery has been made that goes beyond these traditional uses.
The first application of this technology was in the Center for New Medicine, a treatment facility, located in Irvine, California. There, patients who are facing life threatening illness, receive full body immersion therapy in nano-oxygen enhanced water that incorporates this exciting new technology. This immersion therapy protocol has been proven to be soothing restorative and greatly beneficial.
Another early installation took place at the Nirvana Spa, of Reading, England, the only 6 star health and beauty spa in the United Kingdom. The facility boasts a Roman Coliseum themed nano-oxygen filled swimming pool that offers a thrilling experience for those lucky enough to soak and bask in the waters. Plans for a new hydrotherapy-balneotherapy clinic are underway, and the technology has been tested in a first ever of its’ kind, spa-hydrotherapy capsule, designed to immerse the body in electron supercharged enhanced oxygen, hydrogen, ozone or other exotic gas filled water.

In addition to clinic and spa use, the technology has been installed into two bottled drinking water plants that are currently bottling in the idyllic southern English countryside, where the country’s most pristine springs are located. The result is a new kind of oxygen-loaded bottled water that is soft in the mouth due to the unique springs and relaxed surface tension created by the electron rich supercharged nanobubbles.
This water is being marketed by Kure H2O in the UK and sold in Asia, Another application in the Rocky Mountains, in the USA was tested, and early reports show amazing effects and extremely beneficial hydration including dissipating the symptoms of high altitude sickness. Testing is ongoing for inclusion into sports recovery beverages, and enhanced nano-emulsion CBD water as well as a plethora of new products never before possible. A new bottled water product is planned for the USA market, this year, called Naneau O2, and will soon be available for wholesale and retail distribution.
In agriculture, new tests are planned for indoor cultivation fields, promising rapid plant growth and extreme increases in plant size. This is thought to be based on the extremely efficient ability for the bio-available nano-oxygen to feed the root hairs themselves, for while the leaves consume CO2; the roots feed on oxygen. Early testing resulted in plants that exploded in growth, tripling the normal expected plants size typical of the plant species. This new irrigant promises savings to farmers and much higher yields than traditional irrigation technologies, which may lead to huge benefits for indoor vegetable, flower and medical cannabis growers.
Regarding livestock applications, the technology treated water has also been shown to increase milk production and eliminate methane gas in cows, and reduce ammonia in the urine of cows, pigs, and chickens. It has also been demonstrated to decrease the grain to weight gain conversions in these animals which can save millions of tons of feed annually.
Plans for many new products have been made and are underway. Advances are expected in the field of CAFO’s, aquaculture, organ transplants, IV’s for pregnant women, sanitization and sewage treatment, with more to come.., which is developing this exciting new patented technology, is actively seeking licensees to rapidly bring these important products to the market.
About the Company: is an organization that has been established around a core objective of solving the worlds water problems and offering new technological solutions to a variety of industries that can benefit from this unique technological innovation. They are actively seeking licensing partners and are open to investment partners who would like to share in this unique opportunity.
Contact: Charlles Bohdy Product Developer at Inspired Waters, mailing address c/o 4456 North Abbe Rd #103, Sheffield Village Ohio [44035], at 440-219-1606